Fiberglass pools are available in a wide variety of colors these days. I remember when your only choices were white. However, I have to say I’m pleased that we now have so many colors to chose from because the lack of colors was often time a sticking point with potential pool buyers. So let us now get into the meat and potatoes of fiberglass pool colors.


It stands to reason that darker color pools absorb heat better than light colors. The ultra violet light that the sun creates on all pools is especially noticeable on darker pools. The pool shell will absorb and radiate heat into the surrounding pool water. A lighter colored pool will reflect a lot of the heat and radiation. In short, this will lead to a loss of energy offered by the sun and thus cooler water temperatures. Just like the difference between a white and a black automobile. I’m sure each of you can identify with this analogy.


A lighter colored pool will always show dirt, sand, and debris on the pool floor more than a dark colored pool will. The water in a light colored pool can also magnify this stuff even more than a dark bottom pool. A dark colored pool will do a much better job of masking a dirty pool. Now, with that being said also keep in mind darker colored pools mask snakes & spiders as well!


A pool purchase is often based solely on the “look” of owning a pool. A light colored pool can create more of a tropical or beach feeling with lighter colored pool water. A dark colored pool may convey or give a feeling of deeper water as in an ocean or a lake. Pools that are too dark can distort depth perception making the pool seem much deeper than it actually is. NOTE: Some municipalities will not allow dark bottom residential pools for this reason. Very few states allow dark bottom public or semi-public pools due to this depth perception issue.


A dark bottom pool can save you on energy cost compared to a light bottom pool. As mentioned earlier, the dark bottom pools absorb more of the sun’s heat and increases the water temperature accordingly. This can be a benefit that can make your swim season start earlier and last longer. In other words, less gas for a pool heater and less electricity for a heat pump.


A dark colored pool will require a little more TLC than a light colored pool. WHY? The warmer the water, a better breeding ground for algae. This only becomes an issue if you are not maintaining proper chlorine levels. A saltwater chlorination system and a monthly water test by your local pool store will greatly diminish any chances of algae getting out of hand. We recommend you keep test strips on hand and test your pool every few days, and even more frequently in the summer months.

So now you have it. What is my personal choice of colors for Alaglas Pools of Charleston? It’s our job to listen to the client and help them decide and accomplish the look and feel they are looking to achieve in their back yard!